Easter 2017
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onAs we draw nearer to celebration of the most significant day in history, it's probably a good idea to pause and reflect how we got here.
April 16, 2017 is the day most of us will celebrate Easter. It will be a glorious day of family, food, outdoor activities and of course, Easter Egg hunts! And that will be fun. However, the path to today's fun and frivolity was not nearly so enjoyable.
Although we don't like to admit it, we have a sin problem. It's been that way for quite some time. In fact, pretty much all of human history! With the original garden sin, we've been on a path of self destruction. Well that is, until God sent his son Jesus into our world.
In His short earthly ministry, Jesus taught us how to love, forgive, pray, worship, well...LIVE! And while that example was desperately needed, He knew we needed more. We needed salvation. And for that, God's holiness demanded a sacrifice.
Have you ever given someone a gift they absolutely didn't deserve? A gift that would cost you everything you have? And maybe even a gift they didn't think they actually wanted? Say hello to Jesus Christ.
Jesus looked beyond our daily masquerade to the core of our existence. He knew we needed a savior. He also knew the enormous price it would cost. And yet, He gladly gave the greatest gift you can ever receive. Eternal life with God the Father!
Think on that. Someone you never knew gave you the greatest gift you will ever receive. But you know what? You can know Him! Although God had to shield His eyes in watching His only son die on a cruel cross, the story does not end there. Oh, no!
God raised Him victoriously on the third day, and now Jesus sits at His right hand working in the lives of His believers through the Holy Spirit. You can know Him. And the cost is far less expensive for you.
The gift of salvation has been placed on the lowest shelf. You don't have to be rich to afford it. You don't need power to seize it. You don't need status to be worthy of it. No need to work to earn it.
All you need is humility to recognize you need it and accept it. And oh how we all need it!
But the worldview says no, no, NO! 'How can something so valuable cost nothing' they casually discount.
It's not easy to admit we have a sin problem. It's not easy to admit we're not actually the captain of our ship. That is, until it's sinking. You see, perspective changes everything.
This Easter, let's enjoy the holiday. But this year...this year may we all graciously accept the greatest gift we'll never deserve. Salvation through Faith in Jesus Christ! It's free, but certainly not without cost.

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